

Josh Sturgeon, Editor

Hey friendly visitor. I’m Josh Sturgeon.

I’ve been in the inbound marketing world for about 7 years. I’ve “done time” as both an in-house and agency guy, primarily as an SEO and content marketer.

It’s given me the chance to work with a lot of different businesses. Some of them areĀ  in boring industries that make you want to jump off a bridge. Others were hip. But I learned from each one.

Along the way I started a handful of companies as side projects. A couple failed, one was acquired, and another is in progress.

When I look at the digital marketing world, I see a good thing and a bad thing. Yin and Yang.

Good thing: There’s tons of advice out there on nearly every strategy and tactic.

Bad thing: See above.

There’s no shortage of information available. But there’s a major lack of experience.

As marketers, bloggers, consultants, we have the terrible habit of regurgitating best practices without ever putting them to the test.

You see, those 5 Steps to do XYZ, can only get you so far. There’s too much reading and not enough action.

We need more marketers who will roll up their sleeves and try stuff. Launch a side hustle (or two). Spend some of your own money testing out ads and new channels of growth.

We need more pioneers who will make meaningful, battle-tested content that’s forged from real experience. It will come from reckless, curious, creative people who are hands-on in the trenches.

We need more content that’s TrenchWorthy.

And that’s the goal here. I’m making a commitment to bring you the best case studies, interviews, product reviews possible. I want to challenge you to create and not just consume.

And I want to have a ton of fun doing it.

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